
FanDuel (Feb 2024 - now)

Now, successfully back working with DevOps I’ve landed on a wonderful team that takes care of the Casino vertical of the company. So far it has been great and I’ve been learning a lot!

Career Break (Nov 2022 - Dec 2023)

After an accident and having a very workaholic approach to working for so long, I took a break to recover and learn more about myself. Did lots of physiotherapy, learned to walk and write again, took some time to go back and enjoy reading, invested in my creativity, and then took some time to travel and recharge.

By the end of it, I realised that as much as Data Science and ML can be a fun field, I liked working with DevOps better. And so I relearned a few tools, learned some new others, and went onto a career transition period.

iFood (Jan 2020 - Oct 2022)

Data Scientist

I joined iFood after the acquisition of Hekima, and our main goal was to establish a strong Artificial Intelligence department and use AI to make ordering food a seamless experience. As you can imagine, combining AI and food delivery can be quite complex, especially when it comes to ensuring that your food arrives just the way you’d expect!

During my time at iFood, I had the opportunity to work with a variety of teams and technologies on different projects. Some of my most notable projects included: creating a forecasting ML model for the probability of restaurant cancellations to decrease the number of cancelled orders and increase reorder rates, a data enrichment project aimed at improving the quality of dish-related data for various ML models, and a project focused on ensuring fairness and transparency in our recommendation algorithms to improve visibility for newer and smaller restaurants on the platform and ultimately increase their monthly orders.

The last project was particularly challenging and rewarding as it was a complex problem that required not only technical expertise but also ethical and social considerations. It was also the first time I had the opportunity to lead a diverse team and work together to find the best solution.

# Python, PySpark, SQL, Scala, AWS (S3, EC2, Lambda, SageMaker, Athena), databricks, Airflow, Redis, Tableau, Grafana

Hekima (May 2018 - Jan 2020)

Data Scientist

My interest in Data Science began when I was working at Base2 and had the chance to work with data and see the impact that data-driven decisions can have. This sparked my desire to pursue a career in Data Science. I was fortunate enough to land a job at Hekima, a startup that, like myself, started out scraping social media to produce sentiment analysis reports for companies.

At Hekima, now a consulting firm, I had the opportunity to work with a wide range of clients, from startups to large companies, and across different industries such as marketing, retail, and education. This allowed me to learn different technologies and apply various strategies to solve the problems that clients were facing. During my time as an intern, I had the chance to work on a dynamic pricing model for a retail company and implement a visualization dashboard for the profit forecasting model for the same retail company.

After completing my first year as an intern, I was offered a full-time position and had the opportunity to be more involved in project decisions and work on more complex problems. Some of these projects included developing a marketing mix modelling solution for budget allocation for a food company, optimizing user registration through a data unification process for a pharmacy company with both in-store and e-commerce records, and creating an internal data analysis tool to simplify the data analysis process for the company from data storage to data visualization.

# Python, PySpark, Scala, R, Java, AWS (S3, EC2, Lambda, EMR), Elasticsearch, Docker, JavaScript, React, HTML, SASS, PowerBI, Tableau

Base2 Tecnologia (May 2016 - Apr 2018)

Software Engineer Intern

As the company expanded, a development department was set up, and I had the opportunity to work in web development and web scraping. As part of a small team, I was given the opportunity to lead my own projects and to apply all my accumulated experience in working end-to-end on the entire process, from setting up the CI/CD infrastructure to creating web scraping pipelines and resulting web applications for showing the results, as well as any needed testing.

My main project involved scraping data from Twitter and LinkedIn for client companies and then using the data to create a web application that displayed sentiment analysis towards their products, as well as the most relevant topics being discussed about them. Other minor projects included developing landing pages using Jekyll or Pelican.

# Ruby (Rails, Jekyll), Python (Flask, Pelican, Scrapy, BeautifulSoup), HTML, CSS

DevOps Intern

While working in testing, I had the opportunity to gain a different perspective on the development process and decided to take the next step in my journey by moving to the DevOps area. I transitioned from creating test automation scripts to creating the infrastructure that would support the whole testing pipeline for multiple projects that required a more robust workflow with a higher level of automation. The main focus of my work was on continuous integration and continuous delivery, and I had the opportunity to work with a variety of tools and technologies due to the diversity of projects.

# CircleCI, TravisCI, Jenkins, AWS, Google Cloud, Docker

QA Engineer Intern

Working at a QA consultancy company, I had the opportunity to work with different clients and different industry areas, with a large variety of projects. My responsibilities included reviewing and understanding system requirements to develop test cases and test scenarios for execution. A major part of my work was creating automated tests using Selenium for web applications and creating reports using Allure and ReportUnit. I also had the opportunity to work with performance, load and stress tests on more robust applications.

This experience led me to obtain the Certified Tester Foundation Level ISTQB® certification and to work both in-office and with remote clients, which helped me to improve my skills in working with distributed teams and in async communication, taking into account different time zones.

# Selenium, Python (unittest, nosetests), Java (JUnit, maven), C-sharp (NUnit, NuGet), Allure Report, ReportUnit

Belo Horizonte City Hall (Aug 2015 - May 2016)

Test Analyst Intern

After working in infrastructure I was given the opportunity to take on a new challenge in the quality assurance area. I joined the social services development team, where the quality of deliverables was of paramount importance as the software managed financial aid for most of the population. My role included creating and approving use cases and test cases, executing tests and reporting results.

Infrastructure Support Intern

Halfway through my graduation, I landed a spot on the team responsible for maintaining the infrastructure for the social services department at the City Hall. I gained hands-on experience in maintaining servers, networks, and data backup and security. It was an interesting look into how the public sector works, and how the IT department functions in a large organization, and I was impressed by the amount of data we had to work with, it was a great learning opportunity for me.

If you’d like more detailed information about my work experience, you can check my LinkedIn profile.